For us, the association with “20 for future” has been quite a journey, from being invited to work on the CSR communication for SunFar, for which we came up with the name “20 for future”, to communicate SunFar’s own CSR activities, but SunFar Chairman Mr. Wu liked the name so much, he decided to use it also for a league he is starting, inviting other like-minded companies also to give away 20% of profits to help social and environmental causes. We went from working on the communication for SunFar and Mr. Wu, joining in on many activities and events, until eventually being invited by Mr. Wu, and deciding also to join this group of Taiwan philanthropic business people. It has been quite a journey, and we are happy to be among very good company, learning from each other, how we can use what we do to make our world better.
對我們來說,加入20 for future公益企業聯盟成為會員是一個很特別的旅程!一開始是透過與順發3C合作順發在公益方面工作的店內溝通,認識吳錦昌董事長,起初為順發想出「20 for future」這個名字原本是要給順發的公益工作使用,後來因為吳董喜歡,將它變成是他邀請其他公司一起加入,也將20%盈餘捐出來做公益的公益企業聯盟之名稱,吳董也邀請我們好點子加入這個聯盟,將公司的20%盈餘捐出來做公益,我們很開心可以加入,跟其他會員一起學習怎麼樣透過我們在做的商業行為來讓世界變得更好。