David has always joked that he got into social enterprise and corporate responsibility because of the “good” company he kept. He said that because it was through working with Mr. Wu of SunFar for the “20 for future” campaign, which we named and helped branded, as well as working through DOMI, Taiwan’s first certified B-Corp, which we played a crucial role, that he came to think more about the role of business in social and environmental work. Naturally he felt very honored to be able to share at the annual AVPN conference, held at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. AVPN (Asian Venture Philanthropy Network) is Asian counterpart of EVPA (The European Venture Philanthropy Association), and probably the largest network for venture philanthropist in Asia. At the conference David shared about the state of social enterprise and CSR branding in Taiwan, as well as our own case studies in this area.
我們的創意總監潘為常常開玩笑說他是因為「交錯朋友」才會開始做起一些公益計畫,因為他是透過與順發3C的吳錦昌董事長合作,為順發命名「20 for future」還有做品牌溝通之後,以及參與在台灣第一個取得B型(B-Corp)認證的社會企業DOMI的創業與品牌建造的過程當中去好好思想商業與公益的關係,同時也受到合作的這些朋友的深深影響。所以可以被邀請到AVPN(亞洲公益創投平台)2016年度大會分享,對潘總監來說,是相當大的鼓勵與榮幸。在年會當中,潘總監分享了台灣CSR(企業社會責任)與社會企業的品牌溝通,以及我們自己的案例。