As summer approaches, Bebop small batch ice cream will finally be available for scoops in Taipei with our Bebop Happy Summer Jam @ Avenue where our Bebop ice cream cart will park @Avenue from 5/25 – 6/20 making our icy delights available for our Taipei friends to try!
For the Bebop Happy Summer JAM @ Avenue event, Head chef and owner of Sugar Pea Sandy Yoon has especially created some sweet delights especially created for the different flavors of Bebop small batch ice cream. To further enhance the enjoyment of Bebop, we will also be providing some ice cream shots using flavored rum. What we’re most excited however is the launch of our new Jam Session Collaboration flavor the “Sugar Pea Red Velvet” inspired by Sugar Pea’s famous but classic red velvet cake and giving it a new twist in ice cream form.
隨著五月天氣逐漸炎熱,Bebop小批次冰淇淋首次在台北AVENUE餐廳進行為期一個月的「Bebop 快樂一夏JAM @AVENUE」體驗活動,以爵士三重奏的概念,與AVENUE美式餐廳、Sugar Pea美式風格餐廳共同合作,揭開夏日輕盈序曲,把對美食的熱情,從舌尖傳遞到心頭。
為了這次「Bebop 快樂一夏JAM @AVENUE」體驗活動,Sugar Pea主廚Sandy Yoon特別研發多口味的mini cone (迷你脆桶)與精緻甜點來與Bebop 冰淇淋搭配,Bebop也會特別提供以熱帶水果風味的蘭姆酒結合的調酒冰淇淋供大家享用。另人興奮的是,當天也會正式推出合作的「Red Velvet紅絲絨蛋糕口味」限時杯裝小批次冰淇淋,讓Sugar Pea招牌的紅絲絨蛋糕以展新的方式重現經典。