Johnnie Walker Blending Lab Experience
As part of our research on Scottish whisky industry, David was invited along with Weeknight editor David Willson to the Johnnie Walker Blending Lab to experience the art of blending first hand. Upon arrival, David and David were served Johnnie Walker’s Double Black on...
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20 for future annual gathering
For us, the association with "20 for future" has been quite a journey, from being invited to work on the CSR communication for SunFar, for which we came up with the name “20 for future”, to communicate SunFar’s own CSR activities, but SunFar Chairman Mr. Wu liked the...
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The Armoury HK 5th Anniversary
If you are a gentleman who doesn’t think of clothing as just an uniform or something to put on before you head out the door, and haven’t heard of The Armoury in Hong Kong, you don’t know what you are missing. We have been tracking and following what the Armoury has...
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Jordan trip volunteer trip
Like many people who has never traveled to the region, David says that he felt an unwarranted fear at first when he traveled to Jordan, perhaps from all the movies and tv shows he has watched. He was invited by a global non-profit organization he works with, to see...
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