One of the most exciting trends that have taken place in business in the last 10 years or so, is the dedication of business leaders investing their time and energy to help with social causes around the world. Our creative director David Pan was very happy to be a part of an All Nations / Pioneering Business Planting team consisting of members from United States, Netherlands and Taiwan, led by a former senior Disney executive. For 5 days the team worked in Malawi to train leader of local social organizations on how to start social enterprises to support their work. David had a particularly good time sharing about entrepreneurship, branding and marketing, even conducting the classic soda blind taste. The trip also made him think a lot about the difference between African and Asia, the difference in lifestyle as well as business opportunities.
過去十年最讓人感到興奮的一個商業趨勢,就是越來越多的商業領袖花時間、精神參與在世界各地的公益計畫,想要去用他們的專業、能力讓世界可以更美好。好點子創意總監潘為很開心有機會可以參與一個All Nations / Pioneering Busines Planting的計畫到非洲馬拉威訓練當地的社會工作者如何樣創業,透過社會企業的模式讓他們的社會工作可以更加永續。潘為分享了許多他多次參與不同創業團隊成功以及失敗的故事,還有一個新創事業怎麼做品牌、行銷。五天的課程讓潘為學到了許多,不管是對於當地的商業環境、商業模式或者是生活的狀態,也讓他對非洲有更多的認識。