As part of our CSR charity committed corporation effort with 20 for future, we imported a very special CSR product from Guatemala. Afriprica chilly sauce is the creation of Gerg and Helaine Walton, who upon visiting a friend deep in the mountains of Guatemala 15 years ago, saw the need of the people, many refugees who survived the internal war. There was no electricity, most people only went to schools for 2 years, there were even no roads, so Greg and Helaine had to go in and out by small airplanes, being teachers, they felt education was what the village needed most above all.
In the last 15 years, they built a middle school, high school, a caretaker school. The first lady of Guatemala once remarked the middle school was the best in the country. They also taught the locals how to farm, raise livestock, and make this Afriprica chilly sauce, which our creative director David tasted, and upon learning the story behind it, felt we needed to help bring it into Taiwan, so not only will we get to enjoy a wonderful chilly sauce, but that their touching story and example would also be shared.
一對南非夫婦Greag and Helaine Walton,十五年前到瓜地馬拉拜訪朋友,而這位朋友住在一個內戰後難民形成的聚落,位處深山,十分貧困。當地人平均只受過兩年教育,沒有電力(他們帶入太陽能板發電供學校使用)、沒有聯外道路(進出要靠小飛機),而身為老師的他們,決心為這些人盡一份心力,他們就從那時候待到今天,都還持續一直在為這個部落還有國家的人努力。