GIDEA GROUP’s video production capabilities has recently received a supercharged upgrade, recently we invited director Fawaz Al-Matrouk to come to Taiwan to work on a short film ad project for FuYu construction, a well respected developer based in Tainan. Fawaz recently attended Sundance’s 7th annual Screenwriters Intensive in Los Angeles. Fawaz’s narrative shorts have played in festivals worldwide, including Cannes, Kuwait and Dubai. Fawaz studied at the prestigious film program at USC (University of Southern California) and was mentored by Ridley Scott on his thesis film “To Rest in Peace”. Fawaz has directed over one hundred commercials, including for Subaru in Japan.
For our production he flew to Taiwan to work with our core team and long-term production partners for a week. After production the film was first assembled by GIDEA’s core team before getting shipped off to US for final post production, where it was edited, had music composed, sound mixed and color adjusted. Everyone who worked on this project remarked it was a lot of work, but they all had a great time working with Fawaz and had learnt a lot. Most interesting fact about the project, the last time director Fawaz worked with our creative director David was over 20 years ago, when both were still teenagers living in Canada, where they made short films for fun together. The two remarked that it was really special to work together again after 20 years, and had a great time doing so.
好點子的影片製作能力最近有了很有趣的升級!我們開始與好萊塢的影片製作人才合作,讓影片的技術水平可以達到美國好萊塢更國際的水平。最近剛請好萊塢新銳導演Fawaz Al-Matrouk指導台南知名建商富聿建設的廣告微電影短片。Fawaz今年剛入圍日舞影展的編劇工作坊,先前指導的劇情短片入圍許多國際影展,包含坎城影展、科威特影展、杜拜影展…等。這些短片也獲得編劇、導演、觀眾獎等獎項。Fawaz拍過超過100部廣告,包括到日本拍攝Subaru汽車廣告。