David was invited to be one of the 3 judges at the Inter-University business case competition hosted by ETP, College of Management at SCU (Shih Chien University). The topic for this competition was the CSR effort of SunFar Computers, a electronics retailer with 68 mega shops around Taiwan, a project GIDEA GROUP has worked on (link to project here). Mr. Wilson Wu, the chairman of SunFar computers was also in attendance. David says it was quite a treat to hear the pitches from 8 teams made up of students from many different countries, he also felt the competition was very well organized, and Mr. Wu graciously encouraged and responded to the student’s ideas, creating a nice dialogue.
我們的創意總監潘為被邀請參加實踐大學所辦的國際大學商業案例研究比賽擔任業界評審,全場使用英文,這個比賽有8個來自5個台灣大學的學生用一天的時間研究順發3C的CSR(社會企業責任)計畫,並此給予建議。順發從2010年轉型為公益企業,將盈餘20%捐出做公益,目前已經捐出超過兩億一千多萬,順發的公益企業計畫「20 for future」品牌也是由好點子命名與設計溝通(點這邊看這個計畫介紹),順發3C吳錦昌董事長也特別趕到現場跟學生們討論,並且給予鼓勵。潘為說他很享受聽學生熱情的建議,有幾位學生的簡報能力特別的生動。