As part of our research on Scottish whisky industry, David was invited along with Weeknight editor David Willson to the Johnnie Walker Blending Lab to experience the art of blending first hand. Upon arrival, David and David were served Johnnie Walker’s Double Black on ice ball in a lounge like area, as the host started to introduce the history of the brand and learned that Johnnie Walker was actually a real person, and the first master blender for Johnnie Walker. After this brief introduction, and learning about what Johnnie Walker’s team of blenders did for work, they were invited into the changing room to change into lab coats, and led into the blending room, a beautifully lit and designed room that have ceiling to floor walls lined with bottles of whiskies. After sampling the whiskies from different regions in Scotland, they were both given a chance to create their own blends. David made his quite smokey and peaty, and named it L.M.P. the initial of his three kids.
延續近期我們在研究的威士忌產業,我們的創意總監潘為與好友Weeknight編輯David Willson被Johnnie Walker邀請到華山文創園區的Johnnie Walker調和實驗室體驗怎麼樣調和威士忌。抵達之後,先在有男士俱樂部風味的休息室裡面享用一杯JW Double Black,同時有一位主持人介紹Johnnie Walker的品牌歷史,讓兩位David認識Johnnie Walker的創辦人,也是此品牌的第一位調和大師,就是創辦人Johnnie Walker,歷史故事講到最後,提到今天這個品牌所有厲害的調和師,還有威士忌調和的藝術。聽完豐富的分享,主持人請David們進入更衣室將西裝外套脫掉,換上實驗室白外套,準備進入調和室進行體驗。調和實驗室相當的有設計感,有舒服高雅的的燈光、氣質格調的裝潢,牆壁上從天花板到地面擺滿了一罐罐的威士忌。主持人在介紹完不同蘇格蘭的威士忌產區之後,以及調和威士忌的比例與研發過程之後,就讓兩位David各自實驗,調出一罐符合自己口感的調和作品。David採用三個小孩英文名字第一個字命名他的威士忌叫做「L.M.P」。