Brand Strategy and Design
EATMI Gluten-Free Rice Baked Goods
Project Scope:
Changing what is possible with rice, and bringing about a whole new food culture.
We were really excited to be asked by our long time friend Richard to work on his new gluten-free rice baked goods brand EATMI with him and co-founder Joe. After we help formulate the brand strategy, brand identity, brand naming and brand packaging, we enjoyed the process so much we decided to join the company, with David also joining EATMI team as Creative Director. To help communicate the big ideas of helping the Taiwan rice agriculture to the public, David invited his friend Tony Hsieh also to join the company and serve as the brand ambassador. It seems like they are having a lot of fun pushing out the agenda.
當EATMI的創辦人Richard & Joe找我們一起與他們合作新的無麩米烘焙品牌之時,我們感到超興奮的,因為它不只是一個新的產品概念,成功的話對台灣的米產業也是有所貢獻。在做完品牌定位、品牌命名與識別設計之後,很榮幸也有機會實際參與這個品牌的經營,我們的創意總監David擔任EATMI的創意總監,他也找了他的老朋友Tony來擔任品牌大使,一起將這個「新的米食文化」概念推廣出去。