Brand Strategy and Design

ECOCO Circular Economy

Project Scope:
Brand Position / Brand Naming / Brand Identity System Design / Equipment Visual Design (housing for the RVM) / Brand Products Design / Videos / Website


A brand new way of communicating circular economy, something fun and game-like. 

Our ECOCO journey began, when founders Andrew Lee and Aaron Wu approached us about designing the look of their RVM (reverse vending machine) of their new startup (not called ECOCO at the time) We suggested that in order to properly do that, we needed to help them come up with the brand strategy, which included positioning the company in the field of circular economy. We are happy to see how ECOCO has changed what many in the industry thought is possible with circular economy solution and is making recycling “fun” and “educational” for a lot of people who never thought twice about recycling. We are also for the thankful for the friendship with the founders since working on the brand with them.

一開始創辦人 Andrew & Aaron 與我們聯繫,是想要我們為他們的回收機設計外觀的造型。我們建議他們要從整體的品牌定位開始來做起,經過一些討論,我們共同將這個新創公司定位為循環經濟公司,為它取名ECOCO,然後做出我們認為全世界最好看的RVM回收機台。很驕傲可以透過我們做的來參與這個品牌在循環經濟領域所帶來的改變,讓許多原先對回收無感的人,都開始來一起做環保。