Wisdom Academy, a well respected Chinese training institute specializing in property management recently invited David to Shanghai to speak on cultural and experience marketing, marking the second time David has been invited to speak in China this year, due to busy work schedule and having young kids at home, David has made them over night trips of under 30 hours. David says he enjoys these trips where he gets to catch up with old friends as well as make some new ones. In Shanghai David spoke shared about the whisky industry branding examples he so passionately collected (being a huge student of whisky recently), as well as the interesting business model and brands coming out of Portland, Oregon. Particularly unique this time, David was accompanied by a good friend of his which made the trip even more interesting and eventful.
知學學院是中國相當受尊重的地產領域的商學院,有很強的學員社群以及師資。我們的創意總監潘為這次被邀請到上海是分享文創與體驗行銷,這是他今年第二次被邀請過去中國分享,因為家裡有小孩,每次David(潘總監的英文名字)出去都是下午出發,過夜一晚,隔天一早分享完,就準備飛回到台灣,雖然很趕,不過他說他也很享受可以在晚上跟中國的好朋友一起吃飯聚聚,然後認識一些新的朋友。此次David分享了他收集的許多威士忌將如何使用文創行銷案例,還有講到最近他很注意的Tiger Beer的文創行銷,另外還介紹Weeknight雜誌採訪過程中發現了許多有趣關於波特蘭品牌如何使用經驗行銷,加上幾個我們自己的案例。David還分享說因為這次有一位好友臨時決定陪他一起過去,讓他們的行程變得更豐富有趣。