If you are a gentleman who doesn’t think of clothing as just an uniform or something to put on before you head out the door, and haven’t heard of The Armoury in Hong Kong, you don’t know what you are missing. We have been tracking and following what the Armoury has been doing for a while, what the owners Mark Cho and Alan See are saying about men’s style, as well as their venture into opening up their first shop in New York City, as well as Mr. Cho’s purchase of the British men’s brand Drake’s. We met Mr. Cho for an interview for Weeknight earlier, and was very happy to be invited to attend the Armoury’s 5h anniversary celebration, where so man of Asia’s top men style brand owners are in one room, chatting about the difference between great tailors, cuts and how to achieve one’s own style. Congratulations Armoury, and thank you, for moving men style forward for men everywhere, especially in Asia!
要是您是一位看到衣服不只是每天出門都要穿,或只是工作制服的男性朋友,一定要知道香港的The Armoury,Armoury在香港中環有兩家店,我們已經追蹤這個公司多年,注意兩位老闆Mark Cho與Alan See怎麼樣談男性紳士風,還有Armoury如何到紐約市(相當競爭的市場)開啟香港外的第一家門市,以及Mark Cho如何購買了英國的知名紳士品牌Drake’s,很開心在Weeknight採訪Mark Cho之後被邀請參加Armoury五週年派對,在現場認識許多亞洲男士品牌的經營者,還有看到一群重視穿著與注重個人風格的男性朋友摸彼此的衣服材質、檢查衣服的裁縫線,以及裁縫師風格的差別,相當特別的一個經驗。恭喜Armoury五歲了,謝謝你讓亞洲的男士有一個好的地方可以穿出自己!