Happy to see EATMI make its official launch at the Taipei 101 on top of Taipei, EATMI has the bold goal of changing the rice culture and usage of Taiwan, by using Taiwan rice in baked goods. Aside from being able to work on the brand naming, brand strategy and identity design with the founders Richard and Joe, our creative director David has also joined the management team as creative director, bringing this brand to market.
很開心看到經過將近三年的規劃,EATMI終於在台北的頂處101大樓正式推出。EATMI的團隊有很大的野心,想要透過使用台灣米製作無麩烘焙產品,改變台灣的米食文化,也為台灣目前米供需不平衡盡一份心力。在與創辦人Richard & Joe工作一段時間之後,好點子的創意總監David也加入EATMI的團隊成為創意總監,一起將這個品牌推上市場。